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Cavalor Dry Feet 250ml


Easy to use spray

Highly effective liquid to keep the hoof, sole, and frog dry.

Cavalor Dry Feet also kills the bacteria in the hoof that can cause thrush.

It is 100% effective against thrush in as little as 3 days!


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Cavalor Dry Feet 250ml is easy to use and a highly effective liquid to keep the hoof sole and frog dry.

It also kills the bacteria in the hoof that can cause thrush.

You’ll be happy to know it’s 100% effective in as little as 3 days!

You can use Cavalor Dry Feet to keep the hoof sole and frog dry (2 times a week).

Use Cavalor Dry Feet to treat horse thrush (2 to 3 times daily for a period of 4 to 5 days).

The Cavalor Dry Feet 250ml contains Glutaraldehyde which has a drying and hardening effect.

This helps create the aerobic atmosphere required to kill bacteria.

In addition, it contains Benzalkonium Chloride which helps the product stick to the hoof for longer.

Apply the spray only on the sole of the hoof.

Please make sure not to spray the skin or it could cause irritation because of its strong active ingredients

Please be aware that we recommend not to use on very dry feet.

Thrush is an infection of the frog, the hoof and/or the grooves on either side of the frog causing a thick, black, smelly discharge.

Once thought to be caused by a wet and dirty environment, experts now believe certain factors could also be contributing.

The horse’s hoof design and movement in action provide a natural cleaning mechanism.

To make sure you’re taking the very best care of your horse’s hooves and feet, make sure you check out the Cavalor PodoGuard