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Personalised Saddle Nameplate


  • Add a real touch of class to your saddle
  • Available in either Brass or Black
  • Choose from 7 different Fonts
  • Simply screws on in seconds
  • Tailored to your model of Equipe and/or Amerigo saddle
  • Available to add to most other brands of saddles
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The Personalised Saddle Nameplate is the true cherry on top of any saddle.

Adding the essence of class and a real luxury feel to your saddle.

You can choose either Brass or Black.

There are also 7 fonts available so you can have it exactly how you want.

The nameplates are engraved in the Equipe and Amerigo factory in Italy.

The Personalised Saddle Nameplate has been made to measure.

It’s tailored to your specific model of Equipe and/or Amerigo saddle.

However, these nameplates can be added to most other brands of saddles.

Please get in touch before you order to confirm your make and model!

IMPORTANT: If you are adding a nameplate to an Equipe and/or Amerigo saddle please inform us of the serial number.
If you are attaching a nameplate to another brand of saddle, please get in touch with us BEFORE you order.

You can usually find the serial number under the left flap that would sit alongside the horse.

We cannot complete your order without this information.

Some models have slightly different shapes and sizes for their nameplate.

As this is a personalised item coming from Italy the normal lead time is around 4 – 6 weeks for it to arrive to us.


Attaching the Nameplate


The nameplate comes in a small clear packet with two screws.

The screws can simply be inserted into the rear of the saddle.

We recommend you have your saddle in a firm and balanced position and then find the center of the rear of the cantle.

Do this by using a ruler or measuring tape.

A good rule of thumb when screwing your nameplate on is to ‘measure twice and cut once.’

Meaning, take your measurements a few times to double-check where you’re going to insert the screws.

Make sure you take a look at some of the saddle we have in stock with us HERE

Want to browse some more pictures of these stunning nameplates?

You can find plenty across our social media channels.

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Brass, Black


#1 Very Fine Serif, #2 Tsiquilisda Old, #3 College, #4 Anatomia, #5 Simplifica, #6 Day Roman, #7 Vera Humana 95